What beautiful weather we have had over the Easter weekend! Perfect for topping up vital vitamin D.
It is the time in the nurseries when we would be planting seeds and watching them grow, so I thought I would give you some ideas about how you could get growing at home. If you have garden compost and seeds at home, that's great. It's not too late to sow vegetable and flower seeds either, started inside or direct into the garden. Writing labels gives children a real reason to write.
If you do not have a garden and seeds, what do you have in your store cupboard or fridge that might grow?
Green lentils grow in a jam jar if you give them an overnight soak and rinse them with water a couple of times a day. They are lovely to eat - just wash them first.
Put the base of celery or top of a carrot into a saucer of water - change the water daily - and watch it grow! You can eat the new green shoots.
Make a point of talking about your projects every day. What new words can you use to increase your child's language?
Keep in touch: we are interested in what you are doing at home!
Head of Nursery Ops